Sunday, September 9, 2012

Golden Gazpacho

Our tomato plants were not so prolific this summer, but the best of the bunch has been the golden girl variety.  Today I clung for dear life to the waning summer and made one last batch of gazpacho, golden style.

6 golden girl toms (or other yellow tomato)
2 yellow bell peppers
1 whole cucumber, peeled and seeded
2 small or 1 large yellow onion
2 cloves garlic
crust of bread, soaked in water and wrung out
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
1/2 cup olive oil
salt to taste

1. Roughly chop the veggies.
2. Toss everything into the blender with the toms or the cucumber on the bottom to get things turning easily!  My blender won't hold all this so I did two batches.
3. Strain the gaz to remove bits of skin and tomato seeds.
4. Chill... = summer in a glass!